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Tips to improve concentration and memory

Concentration is the act of focusing one's attention, regular exercise is strengthening the body. To boost memory and concentration at daily life is a practice for everyone, how can we apply it together?

Meditation can reduce stress; helps you feel calm and can boost your attention span.


Meditation can reduce stress; helps you feel calm and can boost your attention span. If you feel brain jamming during work, you can close your eyes for a few moments and take a deep breath to bring your attention and cognition back to your duties.

Work on memorization

Memorization can lead to increased vocabulary and improved writing, and help you to stay focused on important tasks. To train your brain, you can aim to memorize a poem or quote each week. Over time, you will find yourself better able to focus on another task well.

Eliminate distractions

Checking your email, text messages, social media that takes away from the time you could be spending completing a task. You should turn them off and put out of sight, to avoid competing for your attention.

Limit your intake of caffeine

Although moderate caffeine intake can improve your focus in the short term, consuming too much will have the opposite effect on the body.


Exercise helps boost your brain’s ability to ignore distractions. Maintaining your weight is also a great way to keep your memory in top condition. A brisk walk in 1-2 minute could be enough to improve your concentration and amplify your productivity.

Read more

Concentrating on a longer book or article challenges your reading comprehension and forces you to pay attention. Over time, you will find yourself better able to focus on other tasks such as work assignments and even conversations.

Be more attentive

Body language is your first impression of others. To practice attentive, active listening involves listening with all the senses. You should use both verbal and nonverbal cues to convey your attentiveness to the speaker, including nodding your head, agreeing, and maintaining eye contact.

Work when you are most productive

Learn to work with your body’s natural biorhythms. For instance, you might find your concentrate best in the late morning. Take note of the timeframes when you are at your peak productivity and try to work on key tasks that require your undivided attention during these times.

Know when to recharge your energy

Try to avoid working overtime and only check company emails during work hours, and 30-second quick breaks throughout the day can help you regain focus and look at a task with refreshed concentration.

Declutter your surroundings

Set aside some time to declutter and organize your files and mail every day so your workspace is less distracting. Having personal effects on your desk is fine, but avoid displaying too many photos or collectibles, because they might distract your concentration.

Choose sound or silence

Some people work better in a completely quiet environment. Others cannot concentrate without background music. Learn whether silence or sound boosts your concentration and figure out how to implement it at work.

Set the ideal temperature

Feeling too hot or too cold can reduce your ability to concentrate. Setting a proper temperature that is most comfortable and conducive to productivity.


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