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Clinical study shows Neumentix™ supports attention, focus and working memory

Working memory is part of short-term memory that allows you to store and manipulate information while working on another task. This is the main contributory factor to efficient multitasking as working memory supports cognitive abilities such as sustained attention, focus and concentration.

GenPlus Working Memory
GenPlus Working Memory
Neumentix™ contains special combination of polyphenols sourced from spearmint, which has been clinically proven to support working memory of adults, thus enhancing performance & productivity at work.


Working memory is part of short-term memory that allows you to store and manipulate information while working on another task. This is the main contributory factor to efficient multitasking as working memory supports cognitive abilities such as sustained attention, focus and concentration.

Several factors that can negatively impact our productivity:

  • Aging

  • Stress

  • Junk Food

  • Poor Quality Of Sleep

  • Lack Of Physical Activity

The aforementioned factors can cause an imbalance of free radicals build-up in our brain, which can ultimately speed up the aging process. As our brains experience aging, our neurons & brain chemicals function less optimally, & this explains why our cognitive function deteriorates as we age. Research suggests working memory can naturally decline about 10% per decade - starting as early as our 20s.

Oxidative Stress & Cognitive Health

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an excess in free radicals and/or insufficient antioxidants in the body. Our body cells produce free radicals during metabolic processes & antioxidants at the same time to neutralize these free radicals. Environmental stressors from unhealthy lifestyle & diet can contribute to excess free radical production and thus increased oxidative stress in the body.

This imbalance, however, in the long run may bring detrimental effects to our body system. Many studies have discovered the link between oxidative stress & many chronic diseases, with neurodegenerative conditions (eg. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease & dementia) being one of the most commonly linked diseases.

That being said, maintaining a balance between free radical production & antioxidants level in the body can be the key to the preservation of cognitive health. Besides establishing a healthy & active lifestyle, ensuring a quality source of antioxidants to our body cells is equally important.

GenPlus with Neumentix™

GenPlus Brain Care
GenPlus Brain Care

GenPlus contains scientifically-proven ingredients which are functionally targeted for multiple generations of people with different desired needs towards their cognitive health. Besides preserving cognitive function, which mainly concerns the older generation, GenPlus also significantly improves working memory & productivity, helping the younger generation (working adults) to achieve their maximal cognitive potential. As for school children above the age of 7 years old, GenPlus can also be added to part of their daily diet to enhance their learning ability, improving focus & concentration.

Our unique formulation contains safe & efficient, non-GMO ingredients, allowing you to achieve your maximum potential during the day, without disrupting your sleep at night. In fact, GenPlus can improve your sleep quality, allowing our brains to rest & recover adequately during night time.

By Eleen Sim

Consultant Pharmacist


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