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5 ways of protect telomere in body

Aging is the accumulation of damage. Telomeres are known to be one of the major determinants of aging. Long telomere lengths are related to greater longevity, while shorter lengths are related to aging diseases such as cancer, arthritis and heart disease.

Lifestyle plays an important factor in determining telomere length and telomerase activity. Here are 5 ways to maintain healthy telomere length which could significantly influence longevity:

Lifestyle plays an important factor in determining telomere length and telomerase activity.

Exercise regularly

People who have a high level of physical activity showed a significantly longer telomere length compared to who were not. This is because those involved in high physical activity were determined to have a benefit of 9 years less of biological aging than their sedentary counterparts.

Healthy balanced diet

Obesity could activate adipocytokines (fat cells) that create oxidative stress on cells. Damaging their chromosomes’ telomeres placed inside the cell’s nucleus.

To maintain a healthy weight and eating well is essential to foster and keep a healthy body immune system.

Stress management

Life stress was reported to significantly affect the length of telomerase activity, raising levels of oxidative stress in immune system cells. So that minimizing oxidative stress in the body becomes essential to maintain healthy telomeres.

Use the right supplements

There are some supplements that have been shown to decrease the effect of our aging system. Like vitamin C&E. Magnesium, Zinc and etc, we should choose the right supplements with the guidance of an expert.

Avoid applying alcohol and smoking

Smoking is causing leukocyte telomere shortening by promoting excessive cell turnover and replicative senescence.

Alcohol consumption will have caused vitamin B1 deficiency, with the associated effects on telomere length that have been already exposed.


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